工作室 Studio : 石五書畫遇 ishigo wanderlust

地址 Address : 沙田火炭坳背灣街41-43號安華工業大廈8i室 Unit 8i, On Wah Industrial Building, No 41-43 Au Pui Wan Street, Fotan

電話 Telephone : 95469780

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/qr/RWCF5IRFAQIGB1

電郵 Email : art.ishigo@gmail.com

IG : ishigo_wanderlust

媒體工作 Media work : 書畫 Calligraphy and Sumie

簡介 Introduction :

少時曾跟隨不同的老師學習不同媒體的應用。後來慢慢迷上了毛筆, 因為毛筆這個工具細緻、靈敏,可塑性甚高。無論是線條抑或是色彩都可展現豐富的變化。因此現在我主要是透過毛筆去表達我思我想。

During my youth, I had the opportunity to learn various artistic mediums under the guidance of different teachers. However, as time went on, I gradually became enchanted by the brush pen. Its delicate and sensitive nature, coupled with its remarkable flexibility, drew me in. Whether it's the lines or the colors, the brush pen allows for a wealth of rich variations. As a result, my primary mode of expression now revolves around the brush pen, enabling me to convey my thoughts and feelings with precision and depth.

藝術家 Artist :

石五 Ishigo

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